Wednesday, October 28, 2015

I am a student, how do I use Testbudha to take online test?

This post will help you to learn how you can use TestBudha as an exam taker. In case, you are trying to log in to TestBudha to take a test, you should go here and click on “Exam Taker” button on the top right. If you are an exam administrator learning how to use TestBudha to create and administer tests, then you should go here.

Taking exams in TestBudha-Online test creation and skill assessment software is easy and fun. More importantly, it provides you capabilities to track unanswered questions and mark questions for later review. TestBudha also has an option to provide a time limit for the exam. So we do recommend you to verify it before you start the exam. The posts below walks you through some of the critical features in TestBudha. As always, write to us at if you have any questions.

1. How do you register as a student in TestBudha

2. How do you take an online test in TestBudha

3. How do you view the reports after taking the test in TestBudha

4. How do you add money to the wallet in TestBudha

5. How do you purchase a test from TestBudha Market

Happy online testing with TestBudha


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