Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Getting started with AngularJS in 3 easy steps

Has anyone told you “AngularJS is difficult!”? Well my friend I’m going to show you why they are wrong.

AngularJS is the one of the best frameworks built for javascript. It takes away the pain of DOM manipulation from a developer. It behaves the way you want it to and to the kind of data you provide. Let’s say you have to develop an application using jquery, you would take… say a week’s time. But, if you use AngularJS you can develop the same application TWO times in a week and still have time to grab some beer. Doesn’t that sound amazing?

Tools required are.
1.     A computer! LOL!
2.     Any text editor of your choice.
3.     Internet to access/download angularJS.
4.     <1 MB of free hard disk space.
5.     quite room.
6.     and 10 fingers.

Grab some buds and let’s get started.
Create a folder (I’ve named mine ‘AngularKickStart’) under any desired location and under it create files/folders as shown below.

STEP 2 : 
Open index.html and add the below code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="kickstartapp">
 <meta charset="utf-8">
 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<body ng-controller="myController">
  <input type="text" ng-model="user.name">
  <button ng-click="sayHello()">Say hello</button>
  <p ng-bind="user.greeting"></p>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.28/angular.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/kickstart.js"></script>

The latest version of angularJS can be found at angularjs.org.
STEP 3 : 
Open kickstart.js and add the following code.

angular.module('kickstartapp', [])
.controller('myController', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
 $scope.user = {
  name: "Jacko",
  greeting : "Hello Jacko"
 $scope.sayHello = function(){
  $scope.user.greeting = "Hello " + $scope.user.name;

Double click on index.html and you should see the below. That’s it! It’s that simple.

What is ng-app?! What is ng-controller?! What is ng-model?! What is ng-bind?! What is angular.module().controller()?! 


Wow! I knew you would ask that. Scroll down….Read..Thou shall answer all your questions.

NOTE : FYI ng-app, ng-controller, ng-model, ng-bind and ng-click are called directives.

1 - ng-app=“kickstartapp

 This tells angularjs “Hey sexy! check me out.” in tech term the word is “bootstrap”. Hence, angularjs will know that this html is angular compliant. Remember there can be only one ng-app per html document (per page). You must be wondering there is only one body per html doc. Can i add this attribute to body tag? YES! you can. See you already know angular.

2 - ng-controller=“myController"

 This tells that the body scope is under the controller ‘myController’. In other words ‘myController’ can access any element under the body tag including body. But unlike ng-app, ng-controller can be more than one. 
 For example, you can have 3 controllers with different scopes

          <div ng-controller=“oneController”>
          <div ng-controller=“twoController”>
          <div ng-controller=“threeController”>

or one parent controller and the other two as child controllers

          <div ng-controller=“oneController”>
          <div ng-controller=“childOneController”>
           <div ng-controller=“childTwoController”>

or one parent, one child controller and a grandchild. (Like a family tree)

          <div ng-controller=“parentController”>
           <div ng-controller=“childController”>
            <div ng-controller=“grandChildController”>

3 - ng-model=“user.name"

 This means the value of user.name which is under the scope of ‘myController’ is set to the input box. We call this data binding. If you enter a new name in the input box (like in our example) the value of $scope.user.name will be updated automatically by angular. Cool huh!

4 - ng-bind=“user.greeting"

 Like input box the paragraph tag also can be bind to data. For example, user.greeting in our example. 
Can I use ng-model to bind the data to p tag? Can I use ng-bind to input tag? No you can’t. The easiest way to remember which directive to use is if the field is editable then use ng-model else use ng-bind. (There is also ng-bind-html. Curious? Google it!)

5 - ng-click=“sayHello()"

 It’s self explanatory. When clicked call sayHello(). Duh!

6 -  angular.module('kickstartapp', [])

 This means you are creating a module for your application. The syntax is 

 angular.module(“-modulename-”, [array of dependent modules])

The -modulename- is what goes in your ng-app directive. We don’t have dependencies with external modules hence a blank array ([]).

7 - angular.controller(myController”, [“$scope”, function($scope)}])

 Like the module we create our controller using this syntax.

 angular.controller(“-controller name -”, [dependencies, function(vars)}])

This line of code attaches the controller to the body (like in our example) and the controller now can access the body and it’s child elements, any changes to the data is propagated or notified to the controller through the $scope object.

Now you should be able to figure out how everything comes together. If you have just read this post I suggest you get your hands dirty. But to know the true power of angularJS we should take a deep dive into angular. Which I will surely post in the near future.

Please drop a note if you find this article useful.

Till then take care! Cheers!